
Relationship of Parental Stress Levels and Selected Child Cognitive Processes of Grade Two Students

Josben Romuald B. Pablo,Marison R. Dy
page. 81~101 / 2018 Vol.12 No.1


Parents experience various stressors as they perform their roles in the family and these may influencechild development. The study aimed to determine the relationship of parenting stress levels onselected cognitive processes of Grade Two students in public and private schools. Parent-respondentsaccomplished a questionnaire to gather socio-demographic data and parental stress levels while threepsychometric tests were used to assess visual immediate memory, learning, and working memory ofthe Grade Two students. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Findingsshow that 62% of the parents had low parental stress levels. More than half of the students had highscores for visual immediate memory, more than three-fourths were in the high range for learning, andmore than half was in the low range for working memory. Educational attainment, career, householdincome, income source, and primary caregiver role had significant relationships to parental stresslevels. Parental stress levels did not significantly affect the cognitive processes and the relationshipswere generally negative. Parents should continuously practice effective stress management andcoping responses to prevent stress spillover to their children.

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