
The Relationships between Communication Patterns and Peer Interactions of a Young Child born to Vietnamese Immigrants in Taiwan

Wen-Feng Lai,Hsuei-Yi Chen
page. 99~122 / 2007 Vol.1 No.1


This study investigated the relationships between communicationpatterns and peer interactions of a six-year-old child born to V ietnameseimmigrant parents in Taiwan. By case-study methodology, this study aimed toanswer the following questions: (1) what are the characteristics of the child\'scommunication patterns? And (2) what are the relationships of her communi -cation patterns and her peer interactions? The data were collected by obser -vations in the class and at home, and interviews with parents and teachers. Tomeasure the child\'s language development and temperament, the followinginstruments were conducted: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised, Testof Children\'s Expression Ability, and Temperament Assessment Battery forChildren. Results suggested that, constrained by language experience athome, the child\'s communication skills were underdeveloped. She had limitedvocabulary at her disposal and her speech was often incomprehensible. T hecommunication patterns included avoidance, verbal threats, and reporting tothe teachers. Although her social status in the classroom was normal, the peerinteractions were negatively affected by her communication patterns. T heimplications of the findings were discussed and suggestions for futureresearch were included.

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