Search Results

A Bibliometrics Analysis of Research on Early Childhood Education in 2022

Thi-Lam Bui, Lien – Kim Thi Tran, Thi-Tham Tran, Dung-Thi My Nguyen, Ben-Phạm, Hung-Sy Ho, Linh-Phuong Hoang, Anh-Duc Hoang

Supervised Teaching Practice in Initial Teacher Education of Early Childhood Teachers in Portugal

Paulo Viana, Marta Abelha, Helena Inês, Patrícia Gramaxo, Filipa Seabra

Early Childhood Curriculum Comparison: Aotearoa New Zealand and Malaysia

Carlyon Tracey, Cameron Monica, Maxwell Avril, Woolston Debbie, Hue Chew Kuen Jayce, Ngadni Izawati

Strengthening Scientific Curiosity Through Science Experiences: Three Case Studies

Raella Kahuroa, Linda Mitchell, Erin McFlynn, Ann-Marie Day, Catherine Vaughan, Rachel Young, Brooke Maxwell

“Old newspapers from my home”: Storying children’s environmental and cultural sustainability

Alison M-C. Li, Janet S. Gaffney, Adrienne N Sansom, P. W. Doris Cheng

An Analysis of Early Childhood Education Policy in China

Samson Maekele Tsegay,Cresensia Kansale,Sydell Poyoe Goll

Facilitating Change: Roles of the Early Childhood Literacy Coach

Martha Buell, Myae Han, Katrin L. Blamey, Carol Vukelich

A study of the involvement of Japanese early childhood teachers in Clean-up Time

Fuminori Nakatsubo, Junko Minowa, Kiyomi Akita,Fumiko Sunaga

Journal Archive

(18 Volumes, 3 Issues, 326 Articles)
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Individual rate: US $50 per volume

Institution rate: US $100 per volume

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